My weekend?
I have nothing exciting or really interesting to blog about. I just feel like I should since I haven't for a while! weekend was alright. I was given hockey tickets for Friday night, and I made Andrew (#2) go with me. It was a good night. It turned out that the tickets were from his grandparents, so that was kinda funny. Blazers lost. So that was GREAT!
On Saturday, 5 of us from the Young Adults group helped someone from our church reorganize her storage unit. It was a little (or a lot) cold but nice to be able to help someone out. Saturday night was "Games Night". Spoons, sadly, was not played..but "Extreme" Dodgeball was. There were tables and other random items set up as "bunkers". It was pretty fun. I really think we need to play spoons soon though. I want the medal back!!!!