Andrew's making me do this

Sunday, February 26, 2006

My weekend?

I have nothing exciting or really interesting to blog about. I just feel like I should since I haven't for a while! weekend was alright. I was given hockey tickets for Friday night, and I made Andrew (#2) go with me. It was a good night. It turned out that the tickets were from his grandparents, so that was kinda funny. Blazers lost. So that was GREAT!
On Saturday, 5 of us from the Young Adults group helped someone from our church reorganize her storage unit. It was a little (or a lot) cold but nice to be able to help someone out. Saturday night was "Games Night". Spoons, sadly, was not played..but "Extreme" Dodgeball was. There were tables and other random items set up as "bunkers". It was pretty fun. I really think we need to play spoons soon though. I want the medal back!!!!

Friday, February 17, 2006

embrace the pain

Sooo, I'm about to go update my "msn space" with pictures from thursday night (Young Adults)...there's some gooders so go check it out!!!! NOW!

Oh by the way..I had a good day (not just okay..good!) I went tubing with all the kids from the daycare. It was super fun. And I hate to say it..but I was the most popular one there...all the kids wanted to go down the hill with me..even some non-daycare kids. Why? Because I'm super cool and super fun!!! ..and because I whipped the kids around while we were going down the hill. My arms are a little sore..but you know what I say, "embrace the pain!"

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Valentine's Day..

So I walk into "my" office today and there, sitting on my desk, is a lovely vase of red carnations and a cute little teddy bear along with a card that reads, "Happy Valentine's Day Amber! Love Your Secret Admirer xxoo" It was soooo sweet. Definitely made my day. Such a nice be loved and admired....

..but is it weird to get flowers from your ex-boyfriend's little sister???....

Monday, February 13, 2006

blame Andrew

So...Andrew said I should be cool and I apologize now if my "blogs" get really annoying and stupid...just blame Andrew